The tree..
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
The tree..
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
"Beef on weck"!!. I've never been so impressed by a sandwich.. so impressed I was compelled to write about it.. I've heard of this sandwich from my coworkers but never in the mood to try it.. so finally yesterday I ran out of ideas and took a walk to the Buffalo Deli with my coworker.. Kimmelwick or beef on weck or wick..depending on who you ask is a roast beef sandwich dipped in au just with a horseradish/mayo spread all on a Kimmelwick bun which has toasted caraway seeds and pretzel salt.. sooo good.. can't remember the last time I've said that about a sandwich..haha..
Read more about this sandwich:
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
I also placed an order for a sewing machine today.. Yep after 3 years of wanting one I finally made the decision to get one.. It wasn't much and if I hate it I guess I can pass it onto someone else who wants to give it a try..haha.. Now i can sew Stanleys' chewed up toys and hem my own pants .. i hope.. and pillows.. this year its scarfs since I took up knitting and next year everyone is getting pillows! hehe.. My mom promised to come to over and help me thread it.. then we'll see how this goes.. exciting;-).. dont' expect me to make my own clothing or anything close to that anytime soon.. I'm thinking simple - tablecloths, pillows..anything that requires 4 lines of stitching or less in a straight line.. that'll be me :-)
Monday, December 04, 2006
Monday, November 27, 2006
And what a way to end the holiday week - SNOW!!! yes, woke up to snow yesterday around 8am and it snowed all day.. I LOVE snow.. not sure what it is but makes me so happy to see it:-)I think we got close to 4inches when it was all said and done.. yes, 4inches isn't a lot but in Seattle, thats like 10 feet... Stanley had a blast slipping and sliding in the snow.. We hit the grocery just in case;-) but the roads cleared up enough for me to go to work today.. we'll see about tomorrow..another storm is supposed to come through tonight - Can't wait!
Monday, November 06, 2006
So next is a rug, an ottoman coffee table, then Brian will need to figure out a way to get cable upstairs and he should be set:-).. We've been wanting to do that since last year so I'm glad we finally got the chairs.. we really wanted a couch but there was no way we were going to get a couch upstairs plus this is more versatile in case we want to turn that room into something else down the road.. And now that we've moved some things around ,I'm inspired to redo the hallway upstairs too.. a half moon desk I think.. and we've got to hang our family photos.. its only been 4 years since we got our wedding photos back ;-)
I can't believe how this year has just flown by.. I think I say that every year but seriously..we are 2 weeks away from Turkey day!! exciting.. same plans as every year..having dim sum, then mahjong then dinner with the whole family - question is do we do the dinner down south or up north this year.. north would be nice..less of a drive for us so we'll see. I think I'll do my usual and make a pumpkin cheesecake:-) for the chinese/american turkey day... turkey and eggrolls - where else do you get that.
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Happy Halloween!!.. We got lazy this year and didn't do a pumpkin so I'm reposting the one we did last year since it turned out so nice;-).. haha.. Not doing much tonight. Just going to go home, and wait for the little trick o treaters. Stanley won't be happy I'm sure but he'll be okay
This is my 2nd day back in the office after a whole week of global meetings and dinners, events, etc.. glad to be back actually - back to the routine, the norm..
Monday, October 16, 2006
Monday, October 02, 2006
This coming Saturday, Brian says he promises to put in my many times have we heard that now? hehe.. oh well, whenever... Oh and this Sunday, a lady who used to live in our home in 1940 stopped by to say hi.. She's so sweet - she brought old photos and gave us more information about how the home used to be .. basically not a lot of changes other then the new bathroom upstairs and losing its basement.. but she's very pleased with everything we've done and I'm glad:-). She's going to stop by again with her daughter so she can see where her grandparents lived.. how neat.. a little piece of history
Monday, September 18, 2006
As I mentioned we're taking a little break from the home improvement and jsut doing little things here and there.. have to pay off the bills we've racked up first;-) but we do have plans for more plantings, the veggie garden and of course the bedroom!
But the year has really flown by.. John and Jessica get married in about 10 months.. seemed just like yesterday when we said it was so far off and not so much anymore.. the whole family is so excited for them.. can't wait.. it should be one good party!
Monday, September 11, 2006
Thursday, August 31, 2006
First campsite.. beautiful..
canoeing to the campsite.. 20 miles away.
Ahh..finally.. Desolation Peak 6100 feet up - where Jack Kerouac stayed for 60+ days
Sunday, August 27, 2006
And Kitchen.. ahh the kitchen.. what to do say other then that it took 8 months to fully "finish".. now trim, sliding door, paint is all in and it looks good:-)
Friday, August 25, 2006
But the weekend is here and Brian, Aaron and John are off to desolation peak or something to camp for 2 days so its just me and the dog.. it'll be nice to have the house to myself.. going tomake some cards, clean up a little, cook, and just relax.. well not all weekend.. My mom, aunt, are coming over on Sat so we can hit up the outlet mall then back to my house for dinner.. I think Jessica and Jamie will join us.. I think we may attempt to grill..
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
This weekend Brian and Aaron and John are off camping.. forgot where they were going but they need a canoe in order to get to their camp site. sounds like fun if they don't run into any bears.
Sunday, August 06, 2006
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
This month has been pretty hectic.. 2 weddings, housework, Lavender festival, BBQs.. yikes.. but the summer is going by really fast so much enjoy this weather while it lasts:-)
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
So next on the list is the fence, awning, and possible deck. I think Brian and Aaron are going to start on that this weekend.. I will be at the Lavender Festival so wont' be much help:-( Stanley is still balding and we don't know what to do.. We'll just give it some time and see how he does. If he doesn't improve by next month, its back to the vet.. He still acts normal, eats, sleeps, does not itch.. they've ruled out all the ugly diseases so thats good.
Oh and Brian has decided to take up rock climbing. He went for his first climb last week and I think he climbed 40 feet or something..but he loves it so far. I dont' think I will be joining anytime soon..
Sunday, July 02, 2006
Friday, June 23, 2006
This one I won today..
Thursday, June 22, 2006
Stanley is also going back to vet on Sat.. He's taking his antibiotics and handling it okay but still losing lots of hair and getting more bald spots:-( makes me so sad. I hope he's okay..... and crazy as this may sound but we're thinking of getting another dog.. a friend for Stanley.. a smaller dog.. a lap dog:-).. we'll see.. wait, I said Stanley would be the last dog I get ...hmm...
Sunday, June 18, 2006
Some pictures
vapor barrier going up with the help of Johnny
drywall.. starting to look like a room again
Thursday, June 15, 2006
This Sat we have to go to the vet too.. poor Stanley has some skin problems and losing hair in patches:-( So sad.. I feel horrible but he seems to be acting normal.. playing, eating, sleeping so not sure whats going on. He seems to sneeze alot which could mean allergies.. man dogs are just like humans. So hopefully the vet can diagnose and treat it. I hate to think that he's itchy and in pain all the time.. poor guy..did I already mention this is the last doggee I get?? haha.. well nothing against Stanley but it is stressful..especially for someone like me who worries about every little thing:-)
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Monday, June 12, 2006
Monday, May 22, 2006
Can't believe the weekend is already over:-( Sat we went over with Elaine and Ace to Uncle Tom's cabin on Hood Canal.. what a beautiful area.. Took the ferry over the morning and got home around 9pm... would have stayed longer but we had to get to Stanley.. got some togo from chef Liao's and watched some really funny movie with Sarah Jessica Parker - Family Stone or something like that till 1am.. then Sunday we got up, cleaned the hardwoods and went out to run some errands.. Costplus had a big sale so I picked up the bench seats to match the Balau table I bought last year.. some pictures of course:-) This week should just fly by. My peers are coming into town and we have all day HR meetings until thursday.. then long weekend! Woohoo... too bad the weather isn't looking real nice but oh well.. won't stop us - John and the kids are swinging by Sat to grill out. should be fun
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Oh well.. so tonight we are going to grill out and enjoy the weather and the the beautiful plans/trees.. this is my absolute favorite time of the year.. the wisteria is in full bloom..
This next month will be a little crazy. We have Flyback so I am headed to Vegas once again for our regional meeting which means 3 days of no sleep and 16 hour work days for me.. got to love it.. thank goodness it only happens twice a year.
Monday, May 01, 2006
and Brian and I are now officially hooked on Vietnamse coffee.. If you've never had it..boy don't start because it is addictive.. its basically a coffee press that you use with vietnamese coffee which has chicory in it.. it drips into a cup filled with condensed milk..then you swirl it all up and dump into another glass filled with ice..soooo good. I bought the press on Sunday and made 3 cups - tasted just like the one at Thanh Brothers:-)
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Went shopping this weekend found this table.. who says you have to go to Ikea for cheapy tables.. this one is solid wood and under 200bucks.. perfect for stamping and other crafts.. I wouldn't feel too bad if I accidentally hit it with a hammer while doing eyelets:-).. I think we're going to stop by and get it this weekend.. Well once again time sure flies. we've been in our house now for over a year.. just amazing. I would say that Fall used to be my favorite time of the year but spring is now.. all the flowers blooming, nice sunny weather for BBQs.. got to love it:-)
Sunday, April 23, 2006
Today was an absolutely gorgeous day..must have been at least 70 degrees so we ran errands then worked in the yard and finally got the weeds pulled.. awe, the joys of home ownership
Thursday, April 20, 2006
weather is suppose to be really nice this weekend so that means weeding! fun fun.. our yard is now overrun by weeds.. might try to do some grilling too.. yum..