Tuesday, April 25, 2006

slow day in the office.. so different then yesterday.... anyhow, no word yet from the dealership and we're getting a little fustrated..would like to take care of this and get the car home.. I couldn't find a picture of the granite blue one but heres a pic of the Chevy Colorado...

Went shopping this weekend found this table.. who says you have to go to Ikea for cheapy tables.. this one is solid wood and under 200bucks.. perfect for stamping and other crafts.. I wouldn't feel too bad if I accidentally hit it with a hammer while doing eyelets:-).. I think we're going to stop by and get it this weekend.. Well once again time sure flies. we've been in our house now for over a year.. just amazing. I would say that Fall used to be my favorite time of the year but spring is now.. all the flowers blooming, nice sunny weather for BBQs.. got to love it:-)

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