Sunday, August 06, 2006

Its been a busy couple of weekends for Brian and Aaron.. Last weekend they put in a new fence for the backyard and theres still the side yard to do. That'll be a little harder since we need new fence posts.. This weekend Brian got his wisdom teeth pulled but luckily it didn't bring him down too much:-) He was already feeling better on Saturday so he and Aaron started the painting .. the upstairs, stairwell and downstairs hall are all down! and it looks awesome of course - amazing what a fresh coat of paint can do. Next is the kitchen. We have it all taped, caulked and ready to go. Don finally put in the finish work so now we can paint. They thought they'd be able to get to it today but the stairs took a lot longer then expected so next weekend is the kitchen.. then the inside of the house is pretty much done - except for crown in the bathroom which Brian is struggling with. He put up the ones in the kitchen and forgot how he did it..hehe.. If I don't get too lazy I'll put up some photos. This will be a looong week.. have to work all day Saturday for this yearend review stuff but oh well. Glad we're being proactive and getting it done.. Oh and Markane is back in town. Welcome back Markane:-) and Elaine comes into town on Saturday.. fun fun

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