Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Just got back from a 5 day trip to Indy.. wish it were under better circumstances but we're back and back to the grind.. Came back to 500 emails and a todo list .. fun stuff. Took me all morning just to go through the emails.. now I am working on answering them. It was a lovely 79 degrees out today so i took a break, went to the market and got a dozen apricot colored tulips for my desk.. I was hoping they would cheer me up and make the day go by a little faster - not:-(

Oh well.. so tonight we are going to grill out and enjoy the weather and the the beautiful plans/trees.. this is my absolute favorite time of the year.. the wisteria is in full bloom..

This next month will be a little crazy. We have Flyback so I am headed to Vegas once again for our regional meeting which means 3 days of no sleep and 16 hour work days for me.. got to love it.. thank goodness it only happens twice a year.

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