Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Well after much thought we decided no deck for now.. waaaay more money then we had expected even to do it ourselves.. so we're moving on and working on the fence I think thsi weekend.. instead we're going to landscape and fill the backyard with color and plants:-) Can't wait.. Stanley seems to be doing better..still shedding but his skin is definitely more healthy and he's as playful as ever. I went to doggy class for the first time last week and boy did he embarass us.. haha.. apparently he only sits for treats so the trainer instructed us to use a pinch collar and what a difference... We had such a pleasant walk the other day because of this collar!

This month has been pretty hectic.. 2 weddings, housework, Lavender festival, BBQs.. yikes.. but the summer is going by really fast so much enjoy this weather while it lasts:-)

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