Monday, September 11, 2006

Been busy couple of weeks.. Wrapping up yearend reviews at work plus Brian's parents were in town:-) We had a great time.. ate out a lot, shopped a lot.. and now its back to normal and back to the grind. Not a lot happening.. got a rug that I've been wanting for a long time for the dining room.. and I'm loving it! it definitely adds some color into that room. Next I want to redo the master bedroom. Not sure I like the way its set up and definitely want to change the color so we'll see if Brian's up to the repainting. We also spent some time this weekend at my aunt and uncle's new house.. - our new neighbors.. I think Brian's going over there next weekend to help them remodel their guest bathroom.. just putting in a new sink, mirror and floors.. so not a huge project. Some pictures of the rug from the Pottery Barn website.

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