Monday, October 16, 2006

What a relaxing weekend!! Lots of family stuff, ran errands.. thats the way I like to spend a weekend:-) Boring probably to some people but really nice to me.. Saturday we had lunch with my family then had John, Jessica, and Stitch over for dinner... Sunday helped out my uncle in the morning then Brian and I ran to JoAnne fabrics and I found the fabric for my cushions! Wooohooo..only 8 months later and the best part.. it was 50% off;-).. nice.. and I learned to knit.. off the internet! got to love the internet.. If I dont' give it up its scarfs for everyone! hehe... its actually kinda therapuetic to knit.. same stitch over and over again.. but also satisfying to see your progress... we'll see how long this lasts.. I think I did crochet about 2 years ago.. that lasted half an afghan.. never did finish:-) but... I'm about a third of the way towards my first handmade scarf.. so that wasnt too bad.. apparently if I buy bigger needles it'll go faster..hmmmm

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