Thursday, June 15, 2006

The bathroom remodel is back on track! So far, Brian has poured down some sort of concrete to "float" out the floor..whatever that means.. then he put hardiboard down and last night, he moved the outlet and switches and started insulation and tonight I think he's finishing insulation and starting on drywall:-) which means that this weekend we can tile..yippeee.. after that, it'll be pretty close.. trim work, detailing, installing fixtures and we should be done!

This Sat we have to go to the vet too.. poor Stanley has some skin problems and losing hair in patches:-( So sad.. I feel horrible but he seems to be acting normal.. playing, eating, sleeping so not sure whats going on. He seems to sneeze alot which could mean allergies.. man dogs are just like humans. So hopefully the vet can diagnose and treat it. I hate to think that he's itchy and in pain all the time.. poor guy..did I already mention this is the last doggee I get?? haha.. well nothing against Stanley but it is stressful..especially for someone like me who worries about every little thing:-)

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