Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Its time for a new phone and what do you know, the phone I've been eyeing now comes in 4 different colors!! It was meant to be! Theres the basic black then these 3! Yes, color phones have finally made it to the US.. so now the problem is I like them all.. I definitely want one of the colored ones but not sure which one.. leaning towards green or orange. Markane thinks the green is more "me".. I tend to agree... especially this sage green but the orange is so bold.. and blue.. sigh, decisions, decisions.... well I have 2 more weeks before I can order( I have to wait out my SPrint contract) so maybe it'll come to me before then:-)


Kane said...

go green amy !

Ames said...

yeah I think I'm set on green too.. can't wait to get it:-)