Thursday, June 22, 2006

Can't believe its already Thursday. Monday we couldn't work on the bathroom..had grandma's birthday dinner..we ate so much food at my uncles:-) so on Tuesday Brian continued with the drywall and yesterday he put on the first coat of mud.. sounded like it was pretty fustrating for him but I think he's finally got a hang of it so tonight is sanding then 2nd coat of mud.. Tomorrow Brian is off to Jimmy's for a guys night so it looks like the bathroom won't be done before Aaron gets into town:-( Oh well.. Poor Aaron will be stuck helping us tile I think..hehe

Stanley is also going back to vet on Sat.. He's taking his antibiotics and handling it okay but still losing lots of hair and getting more bald spots:-( makes me so sad. I hope he's okay..... and crazy as this may sound but we're thinking of getting another dog.. a friend for Stanley.. a smaller dog.. a lap dog:-).. we'll see.. wait, I said Stanley would be the last dog I get ...hmm...

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