Monday, April 03, 2006

my poor floors:-( Stanley has managed to scratch them all up already..sigh.. oh well, the joy of having a dog:-) Now I'm not sure I want to do the downstairs since little Stan will just scratch them all up anyhow.. I may have to get him some doggie booties. someone at work told me they work..we'll see.. kinda sad to put socks on a dog..hehe. but the good thing is that it helps them with traction.. he's always sliding and falling in the house.. Anyhow, Don was by and put up the window casings and 1 door casing so more work still to do but thats alright since we're able to use the kitchen.. Thats about it for now.. we have some major plans for our yard but not sure we can fit it all in this year.. waiting for Aaron to come out to SEattle to do the fence which will be nice. Stanley somehow managed to squeeze through a broken board the other day and got into the neighbors yard.. scared the heck out of me.. they have a very mean big dog - he would have been eaten up but thank goodness for that long tail (it was sticking into our yard so I grabbed a hold of it and got him back).. yikes...

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