Tuesday, December 26, 2006

some Christmas photos.. We had a very nice Christmas Holiday.. I had 10 days off but sure didn't feel like it.. it was hard to get back but in a way, it was nice to get back to my "routine"... For Christmas this year, we did the usual dim sum with the family but instead of dinner at Cheng Goos, we had dinner at my uncle "Chef Liao's" house.. he just bought a house 10 min from us so I wasn't going to complain:-)... After dimsum, the kids, my parents, John/Jessica, et al came over to open gifts at our house.. what total chaos.. Before I could finish handing out the gifts, everyone was already litterally ripping into their presents..haha.. it was a lot of fun.. i got some crate and barrel serving dishes, BR Gift cards, PB gift cards, a sewing machine I bought for myself:-), some candles, my fav of all time "Kill Bill"...both of them... an orchid plant from my mom, and a bunch of others..wow, I did p retty good..hehe.. anyhow, after that we all headed over to Chef Liao's house for dinner, mahjong, etc... there were over 70 people there I think throughout the night.. awesome food.. great to see everyone too..

The tree..

I hate photos..

Present opening frenzy...6 months to prepare, 6 minutes to open:-)

Nothing for me?? Poor Stanley

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