Thursday, April 20, 2006

So Brian's back in from Indy:-) and he got me my pancake mix.. woohoo.. And we've decided to go ahead and get Brian his truck.. I think he wants a Chevy Colorado extended cab or something like that. Of course I'm trying to find the lowest price I can online.. but this weekend we're going to head out and take a look at a couple and maybe do a few test drives. I'm not a big fan of trucks but it should come in handy and its time to say goodbye to that Civic..I'm sure poor Brian didn't fit in very well at the job site driving around his little silver 2 door civic..hehe.. He wants a truck like all the other boys.. ;-) I also got my PB tables a nd they are nice.. a little bigger then we thought but thats only because we've never had nightstands..
weather is suppose to be really nice this weekend so that means weeding! fun fun.. our yard is now overrun by weeds.. might try to do some grilling too.. yum..

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