Monday, September 18, 2006

Fall is definitely in the air.. The temperature outside has taken a dip since about a week ago..we're looking at low 60s for highs now.. windy, lots of trees turning, leaves falling... more rain.. We had a great summer but I'm excited that Fall is here as well. I love this time of the year.. get out the sweaters, boots.. the holiday season. Maybe I will once again attempt to work part time at Pottery Barn so I can save some money on furniture..hehe.. I say that every year but work gets busy, life gets busy...
As I mentioned we're taking a little break from the home improvement and jsut doing little things here and there.. have to pay off the bills we've racked up first;-) but we do have plans for more plantings, the veggie garden and of course the bedroom!

But the year has really flown by.. John and Jessica get married in about 10 months.. seemed just like yesterday when we said it was so far off and not so much anymore.. the whole family is so excited for them.. can't wait.. it should be one good party!

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