Monday, May 22, 2006

Can't believe the weekend is already over:-( Sat we went over with Elaine and Ace to Uncle Tom's cabin on Hood Canal.. what a beautiful area.. Took the ferry over the morning and got home around 9pm... would have stayed longer but we had to get to Stanley.. got some togo from chef Liao's and watched some really funny movie with Sarah Jessica Parker - Family Stone or something like that till 1am.. then Sunday we got up, cleaned the hardwoods and went out to run some errands.. Costplus had a big sale so I picked up the bench seats to match the Balau table I bought last year.. some pictures of course:-) This week should just fly by. My peers are coming into town and we have all day HR meetings until thursday.. then long weekend! Woohoo... too bad the weather isn't looking real nice but oh well.. won't stop us - John and the kids are swinging by Sat to grill out. should be fun

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