Monday, November 06, 2006

a very productive weekend..we finally got 2 chairs for Brian's "tv room" upstairs.. and its starting to look pretty cozy in there.. may have to claim that room as my own..hmmm...hehe..
So next is a rug, an ottoman coffee table, then Brian will need to figure out a way to get cable upstairs and he should be set:-).. We've been wanting to do that since last year so I'm glad we finally got the chairs.. we really wanted a couch but there was no way we were going to get a couch upstairs plus this is more versatile in case we want to turn that room into something else down the road.. And now that we've moved some things around ,I'm inspired to redo the hallway upstairs too.. a half moon desk I think.. and we've got to hang our family photos.. its only been 4 years since we got our wedding photos back ;-)

I can't believe how this year has just flown by.. I think I say that every year but seriously..we are 2 weeks away from Turkey day!! exciting.. same plans as every year..having dim sum, then mahjong then dinner with the whole family - question is do we do the dinner down south or up north this year.. north would be nice..less of a drive for us so we'll see. I think I'll do my usual and make a pumpkin cheesecake:-) for the chinese/american turkey day... turkey and eggrolls - where else do you get that.

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