Tuesday, January 10, 2006

So I want to walk up to Don and tell him "I told you so"! Cabinets were to be installed yesterday but they asked for 1 more day so then it was suppose to be today and late last night I talked to Mark and now its Friday.. I KNEW it! Theres no way he will be able to finish drywall, the vent, the door, and the chimney in 1 day for the cabinet installers.. oh well, guess it might work out better anyhow.. the dishwasher arrives on Friday and I plan to be home so its alright.. Like my friend said, when they say 3 weeks, count in 6.. and we are now in week 3.. 6 is looking very likely..haha..

I'm over the dusty house part..the hard part now is surviving 3 more weeks of fast food/take outs.. yuck.. for someone who eats fast food once a month if that, this is not very good.. I'm thinking something healthy tonight.. maybe some sushi.. greasy food just does not sound appealing right now..


Kane said...

mm ... costco salad sounds very yummy! that is kinda healthy , or heck i heard ace is a pretty good cook .. ha ha ha .. and his place is the way up to yours, oh yum thai food! ...

Ames said...
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