Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Hmm..getting a little worried..the contractors decided to take 4 days off.. Chimney is still up so no progress. He has to have everything ready to go by Monday so the cabinet guy can do his install.. oh well, I'm assuming they know what they're doing. Oh called Steve, no problemo, he will order us a new cabinet, should be arriving shortly. Today I ordered the knobs/pulls.. what a dilemna that was..satin nickel , antique pewter, satin black nickel..sigh, so many choices, not enough cabinets.. but in the end, went with the satin nickel.. Oh and theres an ebay auction ending today at 5pm for the faucet..crossing my fingers I get a deal. If not then its back to Home Depot we go...

Oh and we are now thinking of a new washer/dryer.. the Whirlpool Duet.. HUGE.. I can fit Stanley (our dog) in there! tumble tumble..he may like that. But we will hold off the temptations and wait until summer.. must pay for remodel, must pay for remodel....

Last thing is to figure out what to do about the bench seats.. pillows, cushions, what color.. maybe I will ask Brian:-) If he doesn't divorce me by the end of this I should be thanking my lucky stars!

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