Sunday, January 29, 2006

Gong Hay Fat Choy! (happy new year)... So Don painted our kitchen on Friday...lOVE the color - sienna clay but he painted our ceiling which I didn't want:-( Oh well, Brian says he will repaint and we have to put up crown and repaint that too so it'll be okay. Brian also sanded down the round kitchen table and painted that white for the kitchen so that should be nice. I ordered some foam for the seat cushions. off ebay for 50% what JoAnne fabrics wanted...once that comes we'll start getting those ready.. lets see..what else...Went to Ikea and found a stainless steel panel for behind teh stove..a whopping 18bucks! Yippee..the Kobe dealers wanted 80 for it so what a find. Got to love Ikea. thats about it.. the granite guys came on friday and took measurements.. and wanted extra money for the edging I wanted so that was unexpected..oh well, knew there was a catch somewhere.. "free granite".. live and learn. and some problems with the cabinets.. so they will come out and inspect..actualy lots of problems with the cabinets..quality isn't there which is not typical of Huntwood so lucky us. Sounds like they will take care of it but that means more time and more construction... so maybe in another 3 weeks we'll have our kitchen back? haha.... Pictures of painted kitchen to come.. This remodeling this is harder then I thought.. We will love the new kitchen but boy its tough ... this weekend, we did clean up some which is making the house feel better..not as dusty and much more organized.. and plus the kitchen is now free for us to walk through so we can use the backdoor which is nice for Stanley. This weekend, I went with some girls to the stampathon..made 15 cards ..then next weekend, Wai and I take off for San Francisco and Eva will come down on Saturday. Its Elaine's 30th! We have dinner plans and a big party at some nightclub..then Sunday we head to a friend of hers to watch the superbowl/BBQ then back to Seattle Sunday night..should be a blast.

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