Tuesday, January 17, 2006

New pictures to come but Cabinets were installed on Friday. They look good..still getting used to the new layout.. the cabinets go a little further towards the door then it did before so feels just a tad weird.. . Oh and some of the doors were a little banged up but its covered under warranty so when its all done they will come out, inventory and replace. the benchseat was also built..just some more finishing work.. oh and got the crown moulding this weekend from Home Depot.. so that will be installed as well. So all is well for now.. but we are at least 3 weeks away from wrapping this thing up:-( oh well.. .. what else did I do..oh yes, changed my mind on the faucet..again..went from the Delta Waterfall to this new Kohler Forte faucet..just seemed more substantial to me:-)

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