Friday, September 25, 2009

Love the new paint color! slate it is for the next few years;-)... also hung up the lennons and a bunch of photos downstairs...actually feels more like we want to live here now which is a good thing...since we plan to stay awhile...also bought a new back door - dutch door actually since we currently have a dutch door and I love it so much. need to find paint for that now..either a brick red or a burgundy/purple...a little more then i expected to pay but its a nice door, fir...Frank's doorstore rocks.. yes a stored devoted to nothing but doors!

and Maui was amazing as usual. loved the condo in Wailea, loved the "new" beach we found in Wailea/ quiet. In fact, on our last day there we showed up early around 8am and we were the only people there. The water was so clear I could see fish just standing in the water...crazy. Didn't really do much this time other then eat and soak up the sun. went to the Maui Ocean center, Mama's fishouse, some hiking upcountry... found a great Italian place walking distance from the condo - good... oh and the gelato - still thinking of the gelato. Brian and I have decided we are going to start our Maui fund right away so we can go again next year...yes there are so many places to visit in this world but I heart Maui and why change it if it aint broke...such a Brian thing to say;-).

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