Saturday, January 31, 2009

I''m on day 6 of using the new far so good... the last 2 days were much better.. still sore the day after but not so painful when riding so maybe my legs are getting used to this excercise - something they havent experienced in awhile:-).. I'm riding about 6 miles each day and burning about 150 calories each time..doens't seem like a lot but guess every bit helps hehe...
I had my eyes examined today and what do you know, my glasses were bad I could hardly read up to row 2! haha.. loved the optometrist at costco.. she has given me hope again on using contacts..the last time I tried them they "HURT"! so bad I gave them up.. the new optometrist tried a new brand and voila they went in so easy.. the stigmatism on my left eye is still kinda of weird with the contacts but at least they dont' hurt:-) happy. I like glasses but dang they're pricey and its nice to be able to not wear them every once in awhile..tomorrow I'm going to wear them again to get used to them..happy happy.. and I love costco! 2 pairs of lenses for less then 200bucks.. Market Optical charges me almost 200bucks for 1 pair..yikes..unfortunately I had one pair that they couldn't do so I will have to take it back to Mkt Optical becuase its such a "special" frame.. thats what I get for buying fancy frames.. no more of that now that I can wear contacts:-)

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