Saturday, January 31, 2009

I''m on day 6 of using the new far so good... the last 2 days were much better.. still sore the day after but not so painful when riding so maybe my legs are getting used to this excercise - something they havent experienced in awhile:-).. I'm riding about 6 miles each day and burning about 150 calories each time..doens't seem like a lot but guess every bit helps hehe...
I had my eyes examined today and what do you know, my glasses were bad I could hardly read up to row 2! haha.. loved the optometrist at costco.. she has given me hope again on using contacts..the last time I tried them they "HURT"! so bad I gave them up.. the new optometrist tried a new brand and voila they went in so easy.. the stigmatism on my left eye is still kinda of weird with the contacts but at least they dont' hurt:-) happy. I like glasses but dang they're pricey and its nice to be able to not wear them every once in awhile..tomorrow I'm going to wear them again to get used to them..happy happy.. and I love costco! 2 pairs of lenses for less then 200bucks.. Market Optical charges me almost 200bucks for 1 pair..yikes..unfortunately I had one pair that they couldn't do so I will have to take it back to Mkt Optical becuase its such a "special" frame.. thats what I get for buying fancy frames.. no more of that now that I can wear contacts:-)

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Gung Hay Fat Choy! I took Monday off to celebrate..well not really..just needed another day off:-) and I have the vacation so might as well. Anyhow, we had New Years eve lunch at moms and Monday New Years at moms again for dinner with the family.. Mom cooked all the traditional food and then some....the sad part is I was sitting there thinking, wow I have no idea how to do this.. maybe its time to learn.. oh and since I d idn't make any resolutions for new years I made one for chinese new years.. workout more! although the doc hasn't given the official okay to go to the gym, I felt well enough to go out and buy a nordic track recumbent bike.. I still had dollars to spend from work - its so nice when you're forced to spend:-).. so far I love the bike..comes with speakers for my iphone and a built in fan.. Our offices move end of Feb and I'll be bussing it so thought instead of coming home, then heading to the gym I can work out at home and still have time to make dinner and relax before bed.. ah the days are just not long enough.

How cute are these! haha.. you pull the top and the little fish or scroll moves.. hehe.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Its a sad day.. the McRib is no longer.. actually it was Sun when I found out.. went to Micky Ds hoping for a mcrib since I was not allowed to eat greasy bad for me food during my recovery.. still not suppose to but thought sunday I could get a little treat.. how disappointed was i when the guy said no more mcrib! ugh..just had to share...sad sad day.. till next time.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

well unfortunately some not so good news to report..Brian was laid off his job last week and yeah took us a little bit by surprise although we should have probably saw it coming since the housing market is so bad but thats opportunity ..haha.. so in the meantime, I got him a list of "honey please dos".. started off with painting the bedroom which he said he'd help me do about a year ago! but yay its done! its now the blue I've always wanted.. we'll hold off on redoing all the furniture till things settle down and he lands somewhere.. lets see.. next thing is to repaint the window ledges and door downstairs where Stanley has scratched it all up from jumping up to see whos walking down the street.. We thought putting double sticky tape on the ledge would stop that behavior but nope..he doens't mind it now.. ugh.. so not sure what to do next..might just have to deal with it although now he's also jumping onto of my sheer curtains and of course I now have doggy footprints all over my pretty white sheers..ugh..double ugh.. that dang Stanley... and I've been back to work now for a whole week and it went well but not as well as I had hoped.. had to work from home Wed due to pain.. I think I overdid it the first 2 days but Thurs and Fri were fine so maybe next week will get even better.. I'm on week 5 now! woohoo.. although I did call the Doc the other day and asked him why it still hurts and they laughed at me.. well he said, because it can take 8 weeks to full feel 100%..ah.. well that explains it.. I'm an impatient person..what can I say..

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Playing with the camera..different settings..can't remember what is what..hmm.. kinda fun:-)