Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Is it September already?! Geez.... Just recovering from a long weekend. I didn't do much other then not feel too well but poor Brian:-(.. He tackled the hardest to reach part of our home to replace the siding. The dormer (I think this is what its called) in the back of the house is impossible to get to so I spent the weekend freaking out while Brian did all sorts of weird acrobatics with the ladder to get to it.. Brian threw the extension ladder (with the metal bars) over the roofline to reach it - great idea but just scary looking. .. eek! I couldn't watch but I couldnt' stay in the house either and of course no way was I leaving him at alone with that going on.. ahh....one more weekend and he'll be done.. thank goodness.. Aside from that, we had dinner with J&J at Jak's after John came over and helped out on Sunday.. Monday was labor day and a very last minute BBQ turned out to be pretty nice.. had some of the family over..the weather all weekend was icky.. very cold for this time of the year but gave us a chance to break out the firepit which was great..not sure what it is but an open fire is so relaxing and naturally gets everyone chatting..we also made smores:-) love it. Thanks again to Judy and Dan..

oh and some food photos.. made a blueberry galette with all those berries I picked from the farm.. yummy.. hot out of the oven with some vanilla ice cream. And some of my special bitter melon .. yep bitter melon.. one of those love or hate food items. I happen to love it and so does John so gave him some too.. :-).. Next weekend we are wrapping up the siding, calling the painters cuz poor Brian needs a break, then getting ready for Maui! We leave in 10 days..woohoo..can't wait to get some sun!

firepit in use for the first time..so awesome...

we found shingles under the vinyl..we were hopeful it would be salvageable but no luck :-(
scary.. can't watch..
pretty with the new siding:-)
blueberry galette..ready to go into the oven
Yummy.. looks just like the picture in the recipe..berry juices leaked but aside from that, awesome.. cheated and used a ready made piecrust..didnt' matter, still yummy
ahh.. comfort food..a pot of bitter melon with spareribs.. Mom would be so proud..haha..Brian on the other hand thinks its so weird I eat this stuff.. poo to him!

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