Sunday, September 07, 2008

The end is finally in sight!!! and we are happy happy happy.. Hired a painter yesterday thanks to a referral from Anna.. Hope he works out but we are happy to let him paint this house.. ugh. Brian was pretty set on painting it himself on Friday but when he came over Saturday and talked about the powerwashing, then the scraping of paint, the caulking, and then 2 coats..we said, um, yeah we're sold..when can you way we were going to do all that work or have enough summer to finish it.. I think they start work on Wednesday and should be done by Sat which means when we get back from Maui the house will be all painted! woohoo.. now the decision is whether to do a trim color on inside of the windows and to paint the doors. I t hink the answer is yes and we're going with a vintage wine color from Benjamin Moores.. Man their paint is pricey but oh often do you paint your home.. we had to get 10 gals of exterior plus 2 gallons of white trim and nwo another gallon of the red wine..

I also had the roofer stop by and ugh, the quote is coming in about alot more then we expected.. He says our roof is steep which it is but man an extra 2K just for a steep roof? also told us the price of roofing materials went up with the oil and that is unfortunatley true but still.. torn..want to do it this year but man thats a lot of moola too.. guess we spend it this year or its next year .. Boy do we need that vacation..5 more days and we'll be sitting on a beach in 85degree weather in Maui..can't wait!

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