Saturday, September 20, 2008

k, now that I've posted on the house I can talk about our trip to Maui:-). It was awesome - calm, warm and relaxing, just like we remembered it. The weather was perfect, 87 and sunny every day, the convertible came in pretty handy for all the driving we did all over the island. We stayed in Makena but made many trips to Lahaina, Pa'ia, Kannapaali, etc... We didn't have a lot planned for this trip aside from the luau at Lahaina, Haleakala and dinner at Mama's Fishhouse but nethertheless, time just flew. Typical day - get up really early since we were on seattle time, get coffee, go to the beach, lay around till about noon or later, go back, clean up and head out to check out a town and grab dinner. I made a list of restaurants I wanted to try and I think we hit just about every one of them..all the fish here was amazing.. in the week here I had ono, opah, monchong, mahi mahi, snapper.. all very good.
On our 2nd day we did the Haleakala crater..left our hotel at 3am to see the sunrise 10,000 ft up. It was about 75degrees when we started and by the time we got up there around 5am it was freezing cold and windy with a slight mist..around 42degrees I think.. too bad there was cloud cover but we still got to witness a pretty amazing sight, watching the clouds and fog clear while the sun rose above.. beautiful... drove down, got some breakfast - spam and eggs haha..then back to the hotel and off to the beach!
The Lahaina luau - it was so much fun and the setting is just amazing.. we also had an awesome dinner the last night before we left at Mama's Fish House..probably the most popular place in Maui but totally worth it..we saved the best for last.. as the hostess walked us in I asked if he had any more tables by the water.. "for you miss, yes"..and he wasnt' joking. not sure how we lucked out but best seat in the house! this place is just amazing. The restaurant itself is on the beach, lots of beautiful palms and flowers, water..we couldn't have asked for better.. the food was oh so good too..all the fish is caught that day by different fishermen who's names are on the menu.. anyhow I could probably go on and on but overall another unforgettable visit to Maui and we cannot wait to go back..time to start saving;-).. Oh and I am going to say it again ..I LOVE my new camera! We took over 400 photos while fun to test it out on all the beautiful flowers, water, sunsets.... too many to post here but some random ones..

beach at our hotel.

so cool! we found him in the hotel courtyard..

Haleakala sunrise at 6:15am, 10000 ft up

at the luau..he's demonstrating how to open a coconut with a sharp stick- you know in case you ever get stranded on an island:-)

luau dancers

Our table at Mama's fish house

Tahitian black pearl dessert at Mama's..almost too pretty to eat..almost

Brian enjoying a cold beer at the Pa'ia Fish Market

pretty feather??/flower..

We are back to the rain and cold ..unfortunately:-) We had an amazing time and while it was hard to come home, we're also glad to be home.. got back really late but we turned into our streeet and could not believe our eyes...our house was all painted and the windows and trim were all so nice and bright.. love it.. we couldn't be happier with the paint job and it was kinda cool to come back to it all nice and done:-)..

Some pictures of our home before and after: Before with the vinyl siding.. looks okay from afar but trust me it wasn't:-)

2 summers later.. new roof , siding, and new paint!!
The back is the best clean and pretty now.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

well how fast things change.. hired the roofer after mom did some negotiating:).. told him he was hired yesterday afternoon and they started work today! ugh, I coudnt' sleep all night all worried and thinking what are they going to find under all those old shingles..I'm crazy I know.. it worked out okay because I delayed the painter until this weekend after the roof is done since the scraping of the roof may damage the new paint job so that was they'll come on Sat and clean the house after the roof to get it all ready. Johnny is going to stop by and supervise the work while we're gone.. everything's moving so fast its crazy! Came home today and the roof was all scraped, new tar paper..tomorrow they lay shingles..or I think thats whats happening.

and I got the Nikon D60! its here and how fun!! I dont' know how to use it but its fun to explore with it. I've taken quite a few photos...200 and probably 3 turned out the way I'd like it to..haha.. thank goodness its digital.. be fun to take to if I can just wrap up all my todos at work, I'll be good..because I am not checking email or voicemail while I'm gone:-).. can't wait. I've booked us a convertible, a luau, dinner at Mama's, scoped out places to eat and see.. going to try for sunset at Haleakala..

Sunday, September 07, 2008

The end is finally in sight!!! and we are happy happy happy.. Hired a painter yesterday thanks to a referral from Anna.. Hope he works out but we are happy to let him paint this house.. ugh. Brian was pretty set on painting it himself on Friday but when he came over Saturday and talked about the powerwashing, then the scraping of paint, the caulking, and then 2 coats..we said, um, yeah we're sold..when can you way we were going to do all that work or have enough summer to finish it.. I think they start work on Wednesday and should be done by Sat which means when we get back from Maui the house will be all painted! woohoo.. now the decision is whether to do a trim color on inside of the windows and to paint the doors. I t hink the answer is yes and we're going with a vintage wine color from Benjamin Moores.. Man their paint is pricey but oh often do you paint your home.. we had to get 10 gals of exterior plus 2 gallons of white trim and nwo another gallon of the red wine..

I also had the roofer stop by and ugh, the quote is coming in about alot more then we expected.. He says our roof is steep which it is but man an extra 2K just for a steep roof? also told us the price of roofing materials went up with the oil and that is unfortunatley true but still.. torn..want to do it this year but man thats a lot of moola too.. guess we spend it this year or its next year .. Boy do we need that vacation..5 more days and we'll be sitting on a beach in 85degree weather in Maui..can't wait!

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Is it September already?! Geez.... Just recovering from a long weekend. I didn't do much other then not feel too well but poor Brian:-(.. He tackled the hardest to reach part of our home to replace the siding. The dormer (I think this is what its called) in the back of the house is impossible to get to so I spent the weekend freaking out while Brian did all sorts of weird acrobatics with the ladder to get to it.. Brian threw the extension ladder (with the metal bars) over the roofline to reach it - great idea but just scary looking. .. eek! I couldn't watch but I couldnt' stay in the house either and of course no way was I leaving him at alone with that going on.. more weekend and he'll be done.. thank goodness.. Aside from that, we had dinner with J&J at Jak's after John came over and helped out on Sunday.. Monday was labor day and a very last minute BBQ turned out to be pretty nice.. had some of the family over..the weather all weekend was icky.. very cold for this time of the year but gave us a chance to break out the firepit which was great..not sure what it is but an open fire is so relaxing and naturally gets everyone chatting..we also made smores:-) love it. Thanks again to Judy and Dan..

oh and some food photos.. made a blueberry galette with all those berries I picked from the farm.. yummy.. hot out of the oven with some vanilla ice cream. And some of my special bitter melon .. yep bitter melon.. one of those love or hate food items. I happen to love it and so does John so gave him some too.. :-).. Next weekend we are wrapping up the siding, calling the painters cuz poor Brian needs a break, then getting ready for Maui! We leave in 10 days..woohoo..can't wait to get some sun!

firepit in use for the first awesome...

we found shingles under the vinyl..we were hopeful it would be salvageable but no luck :-(
scary.. can't watch..
pretty with the new siding:-)
blueberry galette..ready to go into the oven
Yummy.. looks just like the picture in the recipe..berry juices leaked but aside from that, awesome.. cheated and used a ready made piecrust..didnt' matter, still yummy
ahh.. comfort food..a pot of bitter melon with spareribs.. Mom would be so proud..haha..Brian on the other hand thinks its so weird I eat this stuff.. poo to him!