Sunday, December 16, 2007

And the Christmas tree is up!! Actually we put it up last weekend but it has just been super crazy around here..We were going to do it the weekend after Thanskgiving but we got snow! Yep, about 4 inches.. and more snow the next day. I was so excited but it all melted before Monday..hope more snow to comet his year.. We've also been trying to to wrap up last minute gifts..thought we were ahead and had no idea where the time went.. so today we finally got our last gift.. I hope.. and also put together theChristmas cards.. the list gets longer every year..and what I thought was an easy card ended up to be very time consuming but thats alright.. its worth it.. This Friday we went to my company's yearly holiday party - Pacific Science Center...very kid friendly and its been 10+ years since I've been to the Science Center and they had all the exhibits open for us to play with.. my favorite were Estrella and Estella the snakes:-). very cool.. oh and the naked mole rats..hmm..they were "interesting".. Today, we met up with John and Jessica for breakfast at the Brown Bag Cafe ..HUGE portions.. I ordered a short stack of blueberry pancakes and they came out to be about an inch thick each and exactly the size of my plate..ugh, I had about 1/4 of it..insane.. then we went shopping for furniture at the Costco home.. they close on their new home in about 2 exciting.. got home, had some leftover chicken and sliders and then wrapped some more gifts..Ah, can't wait. I work 4 days this week then I'm off for an 11 day stretch! I need it and I need to use up my 4 plus weeks of vacation I've now accumulated..
Not the prettiest tree we've picked but it'll do:-).. and no tree topper..still can't find one I love...oh well.

snow! I still can't figure out my camera after all these years so didn't really capture it but there were some humungous flakes!

and the cards

1 comment:

Kane said...

oh xmas tree!!! nice ... mmm .. yummy blueberry pancakes