Sunday, December 16, 2007

Its cold out and started to feel a little icky so what better to make then chicken noodles but not chicken and noodle soup..this is called chicken and sliders.. its a very thick soup with shredded chicken, homemade broth and handmade noodles.. lots of work but so worth it. Not something I'd do often but it was yummy.. and of course cookies! Brian's famous chocolate chips:-). We ended up giving most of it away ..thank goodness or I think Brian would have eaten them all for breakfast the next day

Bubbling in the pot a good 3 hours later:-)

Ready to eat! Yummy gravy made of homemade chicken broth with handmade noodles


1 comment:

jwu2 said...

just to let you know, i am eating ramen noodles right now because I missed dinner and that chicken noodle soup and cookies looks absolutely amazing.