Friday, February 24, 2006

We are once again at a standstill with our kitchen.. Don was by over the weekend, picked up some trash and told us the molding for the doors has been now we just need him to put it up:-) Stanley is doing MUCH better.. he still has his cone on and we're putting medicine in his eye twice a day. This Saturday he is going back to the vet to make sure he's healed okay. Lets hope no more accidents. Anyhow, the weekend is here and Brian plans on repainting the kitchen ceiling and putting up the rest of the crown molding around the kitchen..I plan to get some fabric for the bench cushions. Brian cut those to size last weekend so now I just need to get fabric then talk my aunt into sewing them.. dimsum? yeah she's a sucker for dimsum:) Tonight we are meeting with my brother and his fiancee for dinner at Scotts again. Yummy.. maybe John will be willing to come over this weekend to help paint and do crown.. he's a sucker for food.. any type of food..haha.. will post more pics when the crown and paint is up. In the meantime, Brian has been talking to Don about having him do the plumbing/electrical in the bathroom downstairs. Its only been 4 months since its sat like that..hmm..

Fabric Sample I'm thinking of for bench seats

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