Thursday, February 09, 2006

No updates on how about some photos of Stanley instead.. these were taken last month and of course he's grown since then... the granite guys come tomorrow but I won't be here:-( Don our contractor will hang around for them. I really wanted to stay home for this but my calendar filled up with meetings..oh well.. It'll be a surprise I guess when I get home. Tomorrow Stanley is being dropped off at the vet's office at 8:30 to get his little surgery.. poor guy.. he'll have to wear a cone when we pick him up later in the afternoon.. He wont like that at all..hehe.. evil me is actually looking forward to seeing him wear a cone.. Today was the most beautiful day..55 and absolutely sunny.. maybe we brought it back from San Fran:-) Hope it hangs around for this weekend. As this kitchen thing is comes to a close, the next project is the downstairs bath which is gutted.. poor Brian still cna't get the plumbing so we will be hiring someone..I'm hoping to talk Don into doing it. We'll see.

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