Friday, December 16, 2005

So the demo is done and its been sitting like that for about 3 weeks now.. hmm.. maybe its time to pull out the numbers for the plumbers and electricians:-) But it is the holidays and we've been very busy with last minute stuff for the kitchen remodel and getting our home ready for Xmas.. so maybe I should cut Brian some slack.. Oh well, how about some holiday pics instead... We had to hit 3 HOme Depots to get this tree.. They were all sold out! Odd..
Stanley thinking real hard about eating that sparkly gold glass bulb - it has to taste better then rotten leaves and dry wall..hmmm..

Nothing like the smell of a fresh tree..

My attempt to "be like Martha".. well not quite but it turned out okay.. stole some holly from the neighbor..they wont' miss it..

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