Sunday, May 04, 2008

Okay so its been laurel plants..instead...a new 6 foot cedar fence!! Why you say? Well, its the same price as doing the laurels and instant gratification! Brian ripped down the 7 plants that were there today and now we know why they only planted 7.. apparently there are plants on the other side of the fence and where they planted the 7 were where there werent plants if that makes sense.. so he ripped it down while I took a nap and ummm.. there is no more privacy and we can see through the fence..ugh.. so we can wait 4 years for the laurels to grow up and hide it..well I'm exaggerating..maybe 2 to 3.. but me.. no patience..haha.. well that and we're not sure we have very green thumbs.. my guess is out of the 30 laurels we buy and plant.. some..or quite a few will die and that means more money and no cedar fence it is then we'll plant so flowers, etc to give it some green.. and so there you go..we priced out the wood, etc and we're set to do this next weekend.. because this is a brand new fence unlike the last one where we replaced, Brian will have to set in posts with concrete and "stringers".. then the cedar boards..then fun..but in 3 weeks we will have privacy and again instead of 2 years.. I like that alot better I think:-).. pictures to come next week... wish us luck...whoever told us home improvement was neverending was right..we're very lucky that Brian can do this stuff..i can't even fathom the thought of paying for labor on all we've done..ugh..

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