Thursday, May 29, 2008

I made my first successful Japanese meal at home today! so proud..hehe.. We had oyako donburi which is chicken and egg over rice with a lot of sweet onions..served with miso soup.. from real miso not that instant stuff:-). I was going to take a picture of it but the camera died. Oh well.. There'll definitely be a next time - made its way into my recipe box:-)
This last memorial day weekend was nice and relaxing. We had 3 days off and did nothing all Saturday, ran errands Sunday including a trip to Ikea for some sheer curtains and some new brackets for the windows. Oh and picked up some Popeye's chicken while we were down south..soo dang good..thank goodness we dont' live closer or we'd be in trouble. Anyhow, I have "plans" to turn the single rods to doubles so we can get a little more privacy

Memorial Day we worked in the yard and got the garden ready..this year we actually added potting soil and some fertilizers to the ground..we'll see if that yields better results.. we found 2 radishes out there from last year..they were literally the size of peas..haha.. hiliarous.. miniatures! then we had a cookout/hotpot at Goo Goos.. I made tiramisu but I didn't taste any since I can't have dairy.. I think I can do better..the ladyfingers weren't soaked enough.. oh well, next time although everyone is requesting cheesecake so maybe I"ll do that again. Brian's parents are coming to town in July so we're excited for that.. and work is busy as usual with review season here.. seems like we're always in review season..hmm.. guess its a good season means raises:-)..although with such a bad year in terms of the economy we should all feel lucky to even have I'm thankful..hehe.. oh and we're moving in January - not homes but offices.. going to lose that beautiful waterfront view from my office.. boohooohooo..enjoy it while I can I guess.. oh and Brian got himself a Sunbeam Alpine..the shell at least..he plans to restore it.. haha.. says it can take years.. maybe by the time we both retire we'll have a nice Alpine to cruise around in;-).. he started a blog for to the right..

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