Sunday, January 08, 2006

Posted by Brian...

So....the chimney came down. Amazingly enough, visually it's added alot to the space. Although we haven't loaded some of the pictures, they have also hung sheetrock on the ceiling and installed the can lights......

I was a little concerned when they started removing the brickwork, just because they started from the bottom and worked up......I would've thought they should have tackled the job from the top down.....I mean....what's keeping the bricks above on the second floor and the roof from coming down through to the kitchen, but then again I'm not the Contractor.

Cabinets are scheduled to be installed in two days, so the pocket door and all of the electrical, plus the remaining sheetrock needs to be completed prior to that.

Next update will be when the cabinets are installed :) CROSS YOUR FINGERS :)

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