Sunday, March 21, 2010

First day of Spring and it was a gorgeous 67 out. Took advantage of the amazing weather with a hike to Lake Serene in the Mt. Baker Snoqualmie National Forest. I was almost ready to cancel when Brian said we had to be up at 6am and out of the house by 7 on Sat! Had a tough time getting up but I woke up to coffee and bacon so I couldn't complain. At the end it was all worth it. Great hike, beautiful setting. The hike itself was a little more then I expected..its 3.6 miles each way with the last 2 miles consisting of 28 switchbacks going up, up and up.. wow my legs are paying for it today. Felt good though to get out, not to mention the reward of a gorgeous lunch spot on top of "lunch rock" overlooking the still frozen lake and Mt. Index. Amazing how good cold bread, chicken and cheese tastes after hiking all that way. Next time I am carrying up some warm coffee! It was so calm up there and just pretty.. the forest itself was really cool too with lots of old tress, moss, plants and a couple of waterfalls..the last part of the hike was probably the hardest only because of the ice/packed snow on top of the rocks which made for some icy conditions. Can't wait to go back in the summer when the lake is thawed and the snow is gone!

"Lunch Rock" overlooks the lake and Mt. Index

I think this is called "Bridal Veils" Falls..its a waterfall although you really can't see the water in this picture..

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