Sunday, December 21, 2008

Its snowing!! and lots of it.. been snowing for 2 days straight now and I think we have over a foot on the ground..most of it came yesterday from about 4pm on then it started again this morning.. and stil going as I type..crazy is how i would describe this since we hardly get snow in Seattle.. and we all know how excited I get about snow but having been couped up in the house for almost a week and a half now (lifetime for me).. I was hoping to be able to get out this weekend now that I'm well enough to walk.. well we did go out yesterday for a few hours and how nice it was to get out..also got the last the christmas presents done so that was great timing:-). and speaking of that, my recovery I "think" is going well..Doc says takes 6 weeks to recover but after 2 weeks I feel pretty good except for some slight pain still at the stitches and thus walking really slow and my back hurting from walking all hunched over:-).. I need to fix that asap or I'm afraid I'll end up like that after my 6 weeks..hehe..also contemplating cutting my leave from work to 3 weeks instead of 4 and starting to do some work from home after Christmas to ease myself back into things..getting a tad stir crazy staying at home and not working although I know I need it.. well tuesday I go back to the docs (assuming the roads clear) and we'll see how I am doing... some snow pictures brian took

Stanley having a blast in the snow..I think he likes it:-)

1 comment:

Kane said...

ooohh thats good you are feeling better, having fun in the snow? those the new camera pics ... ohhh