Saturday, November 29, 2008

Thanksgiving was great as usual.. nothing beats a lot of food and family:-). We did the usual dimsum, then dinner at Goo Goos. I made strawberry cheesecake and some mango pudding for the adults.. I didnt' have any of it but it was all gone so I assumed it was good:-). Kit gave us a free camera lesson.. very cool although I wish I had my new camera with me.. should have it in time for the Xmas lesson though. I ordered the camera and lens last night and cannot wait! how exciting.. hehe.. I dont' know how to use it but can't wait to learn. We didnt do black friday.. got the paper and honestly nothing really enticing - quite dissapointing actually.. Maybe its because I knew all I wanted for Xmas was the camera.. no sales on the D90 - as expected.. not to mention after this camera there is no money for anything else..haha..Going to work for a week then on a leave of absence for at least 2 weeks while I get my health taken care of.. starting to get sick of being poked but the nurses are very sweet so can't complain..could be worse:-) Brian says people will think I'm a druggie after I'm done with all these needle marks on my arms...haha..he's so funny..NOT! All I can say is I'm this yucky economy we have a home and job, family and friends..we're lucky...


jwu2 said...
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jwu2 said...

what's wrong with your heatlh? are you okay? i see there is no food pictures. food here is pretty good but not as great as the food over on the otherside.

Kane said...

how was the new kids concert? oohhh new camera!

Ames said...

oh concert was awesome..haha.. so many screamin girls or women:-).. Natasha Bedingfield opened along with Lady Gaga.. awesome.. I'm a new Lady Gaga fan now

Jenny - John has the food pictures since he now owns my lovely D60 so I'm cameraless till my new one comes. Yes the economy stinks and I'm spending money on a camera..but we should it while we can right:-)