Wednesday, October 08, 2008


I just got home from my first "spin" class or indoor cycling..whatever you call it.. it HURTS!! ahh.. no one told me.. I sweated like a pig and could hardly walk.. the worst part was the seat..oye, 1 hour on that hard uncomfortable bike seat was killer.. but man what a workout. Who knew. I am sold.. joining the new YMCA tomorrow. I used a guest pass today to check it out and I have to say I love it.. bye bye Curves.. the people are so friendly, the classes non intimidating, and best part, its a 5min drive from home to the door.

I love that it doesn't feel like a gym but just a great hangout. You'll find all ages, nationality, fitness levels here and I dont' feel out of place for once in a "gym" :-) It's a little more then your average gym (and to think I always thought the "Y" was cheaper)..but I'm so excited.. the Pool looks awesome and I can't wait to take the swim lessons. Not to mention this place is brand new! just opened 4 days ago and its HUGE - 52,000 sqft.. sauna, climbing wall, raquetball/basketball courts, wifi and more! they also have yoga, pilates and a bunch of other classes! oye, lets hope my excitement continues and I will use it! but for now i"m happy and very sore.. I just hope I can climb those stairs at work tomorrow:-)

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