Thursday, May 01, 2008

k, Jenny says I need to blog more often so here I am...haha.. actually I've been meaning to post but work has been a little hectic.. Anyhow, so we did get some projects done around the house..namely the backsplash. We ended up taking the granite back off afterall becuse it was alot easier then we expected and came off with no issues.. so here are the photos. I love it..looks great, very clean and functional. Since then Brian has tiled my mom's kitchen and John's fireplace.. he's liking the tiling thing I think. Lets see what else has been going on.. not much I guess... like I said work has been busy and I finally filled the role on the team so that was good.. and going well:-). We're also hoping to go clamming next weekend..hoping.. if the weather is good..should be fun. I've never been.. Seattle has had some very odd weather.. see photos below of April snow!.. we got 3 inches and John and Jessica got 7 at their home in Mill Creek! insane. just waiting for the weather to get better so we can finish the siding and also do some landscaping. We've decided to go ahead and plant laurels in the backyard as a hedge.. all 90 feet! yikes..didn't realize that we had that much space .. which means more plants which means more moola..sigh.. never ends..then the roof.. boohoohoo...

Tiling in progress...see where the granite was taken off.. held up by big dabs of silicone
Brian - master subway tiler guy...
tada! not great photos.. I'm challenged..need that new camera..
and the crazy April snowshowers

oh and a picture of Stanley just for fun.. he's patiently waiting for his "B"-"A"-"T"-"H":-)

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