Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Some progress over the weekend.. got the new water heater installed and our new GE frontload washer/dryers were delivered and installed.. We also finally hired a flooring guy.. He is stopping by tonight to do some stain samples then next week the work begins. We'll have to move out of the house for 2 days while it dries - the fumes are apparently toxic..yikes.. Well brian will move out with Stanley..I am going to be in Denver..hehe... We're going to stain the white oak in the kitchen a shade darker to match the rest of the house.. and Upstairs, we are having the bedroom and hallway done. If he does a good job we'll think about having him come back out this summer to refinish the master bedroom and possibly the guest bedroom downstairs.. then we should be set. The living/dining can't be touched since its all hand nailed down..we'll figure out some way to spruce that up.

And I ordered the lamp..the PB lamp in invory ceramic. I hope it goes with the white but if not I can bring it back to the store:-)

Thats about it I think.. Stanley is getting bigger every day and more of a pain everyday...oh well, he needs to go to puppy school.. and soon! I think brian's going to find one to sign him up for tonight..

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