Monday, December 15, 2008

well today is the 1 week anniversay of my far so good although this has to be the hardest thing I've done and I was NOT mentally prepared for what it was going to be like..thought I would be up and driving by now, etc but I can't even get in and out of a car without help! - well that and the fact that my surgery was turned into major surgery during..long story but in the end it worked out well and recovery is going well.. 1 week and I'm feeling better...up and about and walking..slow but walking.. the only crappy thing is that I haven't been able to do anything for Christmas..and staying at home is driving me crazy:-( we did a lot prior but no way I'm finishing up in time..oye.. next weekend I hope to be able to get out and do some things - with Brian's help of course.. and speaking of that, no way I could have done this without him..he's like a 24x7 nurse! hehe..I'm so lucky..
Oh yeah, camera is here.. the D90 got here last Wednesday but I couldn't even pick it up and still really can't but I'm so very happy about that and can't wait to play with it. Brian took some photos with it and it looks awesome.. I also bought the 50mm 1.8F lens..well John has it ...haha..but we bought another so he can have one too. can't wait till Xmas for another camera lesson.. and for once I really am not checking into work. I thought I wuold be able to but I honestly need the rest..

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