Thursday, November 20, 2008

Ying and I are going to the NKOTB concert this Sat!! woohoo! Donnie was the love of my life when I was what 13 years old? I wish I still had my trapper keeper where i switched out different pics of Donnie every week.. Better start listening to the CD Jessica lent me so I can sing along.. Brian of course thinks this is the funniest thing ever that I'm going to this concert but he's probably just jealous that he didn't get to fulfill his dreams of being in a boy band so poo to him.. Can't wait - Thanks Ying!

oh and on the house front..I finally settled on me new curtains! Trust me this was no small feat.. 2 years later I think I got everything I need now to do what I've always wanted with those darn windows in my house.. double curtain with white sheers and oatmeal linen drapes from Pottery Barn.. yes, PB.. the overpriced store I swore I wouldn't shop at but now I'm looking around the house and its sad..and the horror, I am also now a PB credit card owner..but I get rewards, and specials, and 10% off .. you know how it goes..and 8 panels later it ADDs up FAST! Can't wait to put it all up and get this over with.. and now I can stop the sleepless nights of I buy them, make them, how long, how many, what color, .. ie, I have a problem.. is it not obvious? haha..

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