Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Look at what one week of sunshine will do for me veggies!! Sugar peas should be ready to pick by this weekend..same with the tomatoes..exciting...Its such a good feeling to be able to "grow" your dinner! veggies, fruit trees.. love them. I've learned a lot this year and next year I hope the garden will even be better:-).. year 3 and maybe I'll finally have it right.. Oh and the firepit is here!! Its awesome, nicer then the pictures. We love it and goes so well with the yard. Can't wait to fire it up and roast some marshmallows!

pretty firepit.. and big!

sugar peas! These were so easy to grow I think I'll do it again next y ear..
Cherry tomatoes almost ready to pick


bush beans
Strawberries! I thought they were done for the season but maybe I will get to one afterall..the last time this plant had a strawberry, the birds or squirrel ate it before i got to it:-(
Pretty hydrangeas..this one is about the size of my head!

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