Saturday, March 14, 2009

Has it been a month? geez..time flies when you're busy.. I am enjoying a very lazy calm saturday - something I haven't done it seems in a long time.. i felt at ease for once..had a nice dinner at Jaks' with Brian on Friday.. a glass of good merlot and a big fat steak and I slept like a baby.. today I spent the entire day at home, cooked chicken and noodles for J&J and now I'm just sitting back with a cup of coffee..I know people complain about the rain around here but I really enjoyed it calming. The last month has been nothing but stress so I really needed a day like this. A few weeks ago I spent the week in St. Louis at a mtg which turned out really well but man the flight was killer..early morning flight, 2 legs to get there. yuck..came back to more stress at work coupled with the move to a new office space and brian's job and school..but all is well for now. We got Brian registered for classes - finally..this was a lot harder then it sounded.. so many options, so many things to consider and all the apps..poor guy probably had about 10 advising sessions before it was all said and done but I think w'ere headed in the right direction and i'm glad he'll be able to do something he's wanted to do and something that I think will be very fullfilling..hard work I'm sure but with that out of the way, and some stressful things at work over, I'm finally able to relax this weekend.. we'll see what next week brings...

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