Sunday, June 22, 2008

Dinner! I think I might try to start posting pictures of some meals I've been cooking lately..trying out some new recipes - well only the ones that turn out of course:-).. but seriously I've found many food blogs online and they're really fun to read if you like to cook so thought I'd try to keep a little journal as well.. need to do better with the photos but here is what I think is a pretty good interpretation of oyako donburi and some miso soup.. I found the recipe online and modified a bit -but it turned out really good.. almost exactly like we get at the Japanese restaurant:-).. the miso soup was good too..made with real miso - no instant stuff;-)..well other then the dashi...

and what do you do when its really hot out and you're too lazy to cook?? antipasto! some salami, proscuitto, cheeses, bread, olives.. easy and good

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