Sunday, September 23, 2007

Well the siding is going and going and going.. Its taking a little.. okay alot longer then we anticipated and the weather is threatening to slow us down even further so a little stressful right now.. We also ran into some problems with the electrical work on a side of the home.. We currnetly have a meter box and a breaker panel sitting on the outside of our home plus a million miles of ugly conduit.. thats what you get when you pay a discount for electrical work.. so I was calling around hoping someone can just unscrew those 2 boxes so we can get electrical under there..well that turned into how about just redoing the service altogether?! Yikes.. there goes the money we were originally saving for not doing the windows:-(..but in the long run I think its the right thing to do.. so many decisions I tell ya.. the fun of home ownership.. great to have a home and a headache at the same time.. good news is the siding looks really good and Brian and John are getting better each time they do this. Yesterday we were able to tar paper the big side of the home, put up some styrofoam plus some hardi, and cut out the vent.. all in 1 day when the last side took us 2 if not 3 days to get that far so thats the good news. Today we did one side of the front and was able to get that about 99% complete..just missing some trim and its finito!.. so this week I have to make a decision on an electrician., shell out the cash..sigh, goodbye annual bonus... but once thats done they can focus on that side again.. The weather was very nice to us this weekend despite being chilly there was no rain and some sun in fact otherwise it would have been another wasted weekend and no progress so thats the positive side of things.. just hope we can wrap this up before the yucky fall weather really starts to hit us..

Sunday, September 09, 2007

The siding has begun! all and all it looks AMAZING! although I'm not so sure Brian's as excited anymore..hehe. this his a tough job and we'll be spending every weekend we have for the next month at least to wrap this up...haha.. We started with the far side of our house and what we thought would take 2 days has now taken 5..but Brian finished that up yesterday and today they got most of the backside done.. so just depends I guess. The back is apparently alot easier because its low and no big crazy ladders to deal with.. John and Brian have done such a good job..I have to say it looks even more professional then some of the professional jobs I've seen. So clean and nice.. we've also been lucky thus far.. no major damage that we could see.. a few rotten places and Brian took care of us immediately so we know its being done right:-) Dad was over to help last week and Kevoon has been swinging by on Sundays to help out. More pictures to come but here is the progress thus far:-).. I couldn't be happier.. now if I can just pick out a paint color we'd be set! hey I think I like your tool belt better then mine... can we trade??
Demolition! the fun part.. down comes the vinyl
Down comes the old tar paper and cedar
Seattle Cedar LBR MFG Co.. dont' think they're around anymore:-)
and whats under all that cedar but something called "ship lap".. who knows
Up goes new tar paper then 1/2inch shiny foil foam insulation "stuff".. those poor walls were never properly insulated..
and voila! our siding, hardi plank goes up! this is the pre primed color
Fancy nail gun .. best buy yet out of this whole project.. that and the new ladder.. more tools to add to the collection
Brian admiring his work last piece of the puzzle on the first side we started
work on back of the house begins..more demo!
couldn't run faster away from this mess!
Ugh.. water damage starting.. what we found under the vinyl.. luckily shiplap under that was fine..phew!

Voila- new tar paper and more shiny foil insulation stuff
First strip of hardi plank goes on
more hardi...

now paint color.. hmm..decided against the 2 greens.. too many trees around here to do greens.. red is trim.. so its the brown/tan I and neutral .. plus it looks good with the red:-)