Friday, December 03, 2010

Wow, has it been 8 months since i last posted? I blame it on Facebook:-).. well I had to update my "home" journal since I finally got the bed I've been lusting for the last 3 years!! .. i do feel bad though (just kinda bad...)since Brian made us the upholstered headboard just about a year ago but i couldn't pass up a 15% off sale that worked on this bed..I've tried to buy this bed with every discount C&B ever put out with no luck so imagine my suprise when I tried this Blk Friday and it took!!.. and here she is..the Collette Bed! I'm "almost" done with the bedroom now.. only took 5 years:-)... merry early Xmas to me! Oh and Thanksgiving as good as usual...ate waay too much.. made a German Chocolate cake that Brian LOVED.. and I actually loved too and i'm not a huge sweets fan.. Will probably make it again next week when we host hotpot/white elephant at the house..if i"m not too lazy:-). After dinner we were both wide awake due to a nap so headed to the casino, lost money and since it was already like 1am we stopped at the outlet for the midnight madness sale.. and madness it was.. I will say it again after saying this 4 years ago.. I will NEVER do that again! haha.. stood in line for almost 30min just to pay for an item and there were lines to get into every store.. so we gave up, got home at 3am, and missed the early morning shopping..oh well.. now i just need to go out and finish my Xmas shopping for everyone else